

Released at: December 28, 2021 by Peekarama
Mary Jo Harmon is a small town country girl who dreams of moving to Hollywood to pursue her ambition of becoming a famous movie star. But no sooner than arriving, her fantasies of glitz and glamour begin to get chipped away, as she learns that all of the things she's heard about LA's sleazy casting couches, lecherous producers, and perverted parties are... absolutely true! Will Mary Jo ever be able to fulfill her dream, as the world around her turns into an ever greater orgy of disappointment?

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Scene1: 00:00:00 - 00:14:55 (14:55)

Scene2: 00:14:56 - 00:24:14 (9:18)

Scene3: 00:24:15 - 00:32:08 (7:53)

Scene4: 00:32:09 - 00:44:36 (12:27)

Scene5: 00:44:37 - 00:57:13 (12:36)

Scene6: 00:57:14 - 01:05:19 (8:05)

Scene7: 01:05:20 - 01:24:19 (18:59)