Google To Start Purge of ‘Inactive Accounts’

3 de agosto de 2023, por Steve

Google have announced they are to start purging supposedly inactive and dead accounts in December of this year.

Now we have seen this before with other internet companies who host content, and their definition of what constitutes an ‘inactive’ account can often be somewhat open to interpretation.

So it’s strongly recommended that you keep an eye out for warning emails from Google that tell you your account could be in danger, as you may be liable to lose a lot of content.

This could be especially bad news for those of you who use Google accounts to store videos and photos, using them perhaps as an archive. A lot of porn could be lost entirely due to this purge.

It’s understood that initial deletions will centre on accounts that were created but never used, of which there are believed to be many millions. But there are bound to be mistakes and oversights.

So make sure they don’t catch you out!

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